Rates of Anti-Tuberculosis Drug Resistance in Kampala-Uganda Are Low and Not Associated with HIV Infection

Drug resistance among tuberculosis patients in sub-Saharan Africa is increasing, possibly due to association with HIV infection. We studied drug resistance and HIV infection in a representative sample of 533 smear-positive tuberculosis patients diagnosed in Kampala, Uganda. Among 473 new patients, multidrug resistance was found in 5 (1.1%, 95% CI 0.3–2.5) and resistance to any drug in 57 (12.1%, 9.3–15.3). Among 60 previously treated patients this was 7 (11.7%, 4.8–22.6) and 17 (28.3%; 17.5–41.4), respectively. Of 517 patients with HIV results, 165 (31.9%, 27.9–36.1) tested positive. Neither multidrug (adjusted odds ratio (ORadj) 0.7; 95% CI 0.19–2.6) nor any resistance (ORadj 0.7; 0.43–1.3) was associated with HIV status. Primary resistance to any drug was more common among patients who had worked in health care (ORadj 3.5; 1.0–12.0). Anti-tuberculosis drug resistance rates in Kampala are low and not associated with HIV infection, but may be associated with exposure during health care.