Das Bienenauge als Analysator für polarisiertes Licht

Bees are able to make use of the polarization of the blue light of the sky for their orientation. A study was made to find in what part of the eye the analysis of the polarized light takes place. It was shown by rotating the plane of vibration of the polarized light: (1) the eye. as a whole does not serve as an analyzer; (2) the individual ommatidium does not have an analyzer that is the same for all its retinula cells. Polarized light produces higher unit effects of the exposure potential than non-polarized light of the same intensity. The individual retinula cells serve as analyzers. Polarized light produces in the retinula cells, arranged in rosette form within an omatidium, a pattern of different brightness depending on the direction of vibration of the light The individual ommatidium is a physiological unit only as an image receptor.

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