An Affinity-Based Method for the Purification of Fluorescently-Labeled Biomolecules

Due to the difficulty of separating mixtures of labeled and unlabeled biomolecules, a general new method for the affinity purification of modified proteins has been developed. A Sepharose-based solid support bearing beta-cyclodextrin groups was used to capture chromophore-modified proteins selectively, while unmodified proteins remained in solution. After isolation of the resin, the modified proteins were released by treating the sample with a competitive cyclodextrin binder, such as adamantane carboxylic acid. This procedure was demonstrated for several dyes displaying a wide range of spectral characteristics and diverse chemical structures. Preliminary studies have shown that this method can also be used to enrich modified peptide fragments present in proteolytic digests. This technique is anticipated to accelerate the development of new protein modification reactions and could provide a useful tool for proteomics applications.