Comparison of 24-Hour Insulin Requirements in IDDM Patients during Control by an Artificial Betacell and during Conventional Therapy

Insulin requirements were measured over 24 hours during feed-back control by an artificial betacell (Biostator®) in 25 lean insulin-dependent diabetics with no endogenous insulin secretion. The set of constants selected for the algorithms was that which resulted in the minimum insulin infusion consistent with normal glucose tolerance during an OGTT. The results were compared with the daily dose of insulin chosen, using standard clinical criteria, by physicians with no knowledge of the experimental results. Plasma IRI remained within the normal range during Biostator control, and the insulin dose given over 24 hours was almost identical - 101 ± 9 % with that selected on clinical grounds. The reproducibility of insulin requirements established with the Biostator was tested over two consecutive days in nine patients; all required an increased amount of insulin (mean + 6.9 %, range + 0.5 to + 12.2 %) on the second day