Confounding from Cryptic Relatedness in Case-Control Association Studies

Case-control association studies are widely used in the search for genetic variants that contribute to human diseases. It has long been known that such studies may suffer from high rates of false positives if there is unrecognized population structure. It is perhaps less widely appreciated that so-called “cryptic relatedness” (i.e., kinship among the cases or controls that is not known to the investigator) might also potentially inflate the false positive rate. Until now there has been little work to assess how serious this problem is likely to be in practice. In this paper, we develop a formal model of cryptic relatedness, and study its impact on association studies. We provide simple expressions that predict the extent of confounding due to cryptic relatedness. Surprisingly, these expressions are functions of directly observable parameters. Our analytical results show that, for well-designed studies in outbred populations, the degree of confounding due to cryptic relatedness will usually be negligible. However, in contrast, studies where there is a sampling bias toward collecting relatives may indeed suffer from excessive rates of false positives. Furthermore, cryptic relatedness may be a serious concern in founder populations that have grown rapidly and recently from a small size. As an example, we analyze the impact of excess relatedness among cases for six phenotypes measured in the Hutterite population. There has long been concern in the human genetics community that case-control association studies may be subject to high rates of false positives if there is unrecognized population structure. After being considered rather suspect in the 1990s for this reason, case-control studies are regaining popularity, and will no doubt be used widely in future genome-wide association studies. Therefore, it is important to fully understand the types of factors that can lead to excess rates of false positives in case-control studies. Virtually all of the previous discussion in the literature of excess false positives (confounding) in case-control studies has focused on the role of population structure. Yet a widely cited 1999 paper by Devlin and Roeder (that introduced the genomic control concept) argued that, in fact, “cryptic relatedness” (referring to the idea that some members of a case-control sample might actually be close relatives, unbeknownst to the investigator) is likely to be a far more important confounder than population structure. Moreover, one of the two main types of statistical approaches for dealing with confounding in case-control studies (i.e., structured association methods) does not correct for cryptic relatedness. This work provides the first careful model of cryptic relatedness, and outlines exactly when cryptic relatedness is and is not likely to be a problem. The authors provide simple expressions that predict the extent of confounding due to cryptic relatedness. Surprisingly, these expressions are functions of directly observable parameters. The analytical results show that, for well-designed studies in outbred populations, the degree of confounding due to cryptic relatedness will usually be negligible. However, in contrast, studies where there is a sampling bias toward collecting relatives may indeed suffer from excessive rates of false positives.