The Protean Manifestations of Histoplasmosis as Illustrated in Twenty-Three Cases

The Ohio State University Hospital and the Ohio Tuberculosis Hospital are adjacent in location at the Ohio State Health Center. This arrangement has afforded the staff an excellent opportunity to study both chronic and acute pulmonary disease problems at both institutions. Of particular interest to us has been the protean manifestations of histoplasmosis. Since a previous report 1 from this institution, we have encountered 29 additional cases which required hospitalization; this is exclusive of many more seen on an outpatient basis. It is the purpose of this paper to describe 23 of these patients (6 from the Ohio Tuberculosis Hospital and 17 from University Hospital) who presented diagnostic problems with a variety of manifestations. Report of Cases Case 1. —A 26-year-old white man from Zanesville, Ohio, was admitted to Ohio Tuberculosis Hospital on June 5, 1952, with a one-year history of easy fatigability, weight loss, chest pain, chills, fever, a