Interactions between alcohol and β-carotene in patients with alcoholic liver disease

We found lower plasma β-carotene concentrations in alcoholics than in control subjects, but heavy drinkers (≥ 200 g/d) had about twice the β-carotene of those drinking less (P < 0.01), with a significant correlation between plasma β-carotene and alcohol intake (r = 0.6, P < 0.001). When β-carotene beadlets (30–60 mg/d) were administered to hospitalized alcoholics given controlled diets, those with cirrhosis had a much lower plasma β-carotene response than those without; the latter in turn responded with lower β-carotene concentrations than did control subjects. Plasma retinol, α-tocopherol, and other carotenoids, such as lycopene, did not differ significantly. We concluded that plasma β-carotene is relatively increased by heavy alcohol consumption, whereas in patients with liver damage, especially cirrhosis, it is lowered. In these patients, β-carotene supplementation may be justified, but this should be coupled with control of drinking because of possible hepatotoxic alcohol-β-carotene interactions.