The prediction of recurrence in meningiomas

Despite the complete macroscopic excision of meningiomas, there is a significant rate of recurrence approaching 20% at 20 years. The prediction of recurrence by clinical and histopathological means is inadequate. Flow cytometric analysis of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) in meningiomas has shown a correlation between a high proliferative index based on tumor cell-cycle stage (%S + %G2/M) and clinically aggressive behavior. Accordingly, the DNA analysis of meningioma tissue may be of value in predicting recurrence of these tumors. To test this hypothesis, the DNA of paraffin-embedded archival tissue from known recurrent meningiomas was compared with an age- and sex-matched nonrecurrent group. Both groups had comparable follow-up periods. Forty patients with total macroscopic removal at the time of surgery were analyzed. The paraffin blocks of these tumors were retrieved and reclassified histologically according to the World Health Organization system. Sections were then taken for flow cytometric study. The DNA analysis showed that the proliferative index of the recurrent group was significantly higher than that of the nonrecurrent group (p less than 0.002), although the histological subtyping of the two groups was similar. These results support the suggestion that flow cytometry may be of value in the prediction of recurrence of histologically benign, macroscopically removed meningiomas.