Comparison of support provided by a semirigid orthosis and adhesive ankle taping before, during, and after exercise

The purpose of this study was to compare the relative effectiveness of athletic taping and a semirigid orthosis in providing inversion-eversion range restriction before, during, and after a 3 hour volleyball practice. The effect of each support method on the subjects' vertical jump ing ability was also assessed. Fourteen ankles were treated with both methods of support. Passive inver sion-eversion range of motion was measured on an ankle stability test instrument during five testing ses sions : 1) before support, 2) before exercise, 3) 20 minutes during exercise, 4) 60 minutes during exercise, and 5) after exercise. The two-way analysis of variance and posthoc comparisons revealed maximal losses in taping restriction for both inversion and eversion at 20 minutes into exercise. The orthosis demonstrated no mechanical restrictive failure until before and after ex ercise comparisons were made, and then only eversion range of motion was compromised. Neither support system affected subjects' vertical jumping ability. These results suggest that the semirigid orthosis may be more effective than taping in providing initial ankle protection and in guarding against ligamentous reinjury.

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