Conformation of Adsorbed Polymeric Chain. II

By developing the theoretical treatment of an isolated polymeric chain at an interface, which is based on a three‐dimensional random walk on a simple cubic lattice, the average number of segments in the tail of a polymeric chain 0 and the average number of trains per polymeric chain are calculated in the limit in which the chain length n is infinite. With the aid of the average number of adsorbed segments ν̄ evaluated in Part I of this series, the average number of segments in a train and a loop, k̄′ and , are also calculated. The average properties are found to change in their dependence on the adsorption energy ε and the total number of segments n at a critical point except k̄′. For η < ηc, where η = exp(ε / kT), k̄0 has the value 12n ; this indicates that the polymeric chain, in effect, consists of two long tails extending into the solution, while is still proportional to n1/2 . It is seen that at η = ηc only one‐third of the chain length participates in adsorption, and and obey the half‐power law in the same way as ν̄. When η exceeds ηc, k̄0 and k decrease rapidly with an increase in the adsorption energy, and becomes proportional to n . It is noticed that the length of train is relatively small even if the majority of segments are adsorbed at the interface.