In Holomelina immaculata (Reakirt) periodicity of male attraction to synthetic 2-methylheptadecane, the female-produced sex pheromone, is modified by temperature cues. In the field this response interval occurs from approximately sunset to about 4 h after sunset on a warm day and night (30° to 17 °C) and for the 2 h prior to sunset on a cool day and night (23° to 16 °C).In laboratory studies at 24 °C female H. immaculata placed in continual scotophase have an endogenous calling rhythm, but they are apparently inhibited from calling by constant photophase. In 16:8 or 12:12 light–dark cycles at 24 °C calling occurs from the 2nd to the 6th hour of scotophase, whereas at 15 °C calling takes place from the initiation to the 5th hour of scotophase. The critical cues governing initiation of calling behaviour are lights-off or a temperature decrease cue, and a temperature decrease signal overrides the apparent inhibitory effect of continual photophase.

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