Branchiogenic Cyst Within the Parotid Gland

THERE is no unanimity among authorities concerning the relationship of the branchial grooves, arches and pouches, and the origin of the parotid gland. It is generally agreed that the remnants of the first branchial cleft are encountered less frequently than remnants derived from the other branchial clefts.4,12,14,18,20,22 Even rarer is the association of a branchiogenic cyst and the parotid gland. Since only 13 such cases appear in the literature, it was felt to be of value to report the following case. Report of a Case A 19-year-old white girl, of Russian extraction, entered the office with the complaint of difficulty in breathing through the nose, especially with exertion. On physical examination a nasal septal deviation and, incidentally, a bulge anterior to the right tragus were found. Further examination revealed a cherry-sized, firm, round, nontender mass fixed to the underlying tissues but not attached to the overlying skin. It was