The nucleus paragigantocellularis lateralis in the rat

The nucleus paragigantocellularis lateralis (PGCL) is located in the ventral portion of the rostral medulla. Serial sections of the rat brainstem were examined in the three cardinal planes and the boundaries of the PGCL were determined. In order to visualize the shape and extent of the nucleus, a three-dimensional reconstruction of the PGCL was made from a series of coronal sections. Measurements of neuronal areas, lengths, and widths indicate that a number of neuronal types are present. Small neurons measure less than 150 μm2 and large neurons greater than 250 μm2. Some neuronal types are distributed preferentially throught the PGCL, and on this basis the nucleus may be divided into caudal and rostral subgroups. Most large neurons (>250 μm2) are found in the caudal portion. Certain neurons contain intranuclear rods, and these neurons are often disposed in small groups, especially common in the caudal PGCL. Two morphologically distinct neuronal types incorporate 3H-serotonin when this marker is infused into the ventricular system; the other neurons not marked by this method probably contain other, different transmitters. On the basis of neuronal measurements and staining qualities, it is ascertained that the PGCL is a parvocellular reticular nucleus characterized by many neuronal types.