Interstitial Defects in LiH and NaCl Irradiated at Low Temperatures

Expansions of the lattice parameters of both LiH and NaCl exposed to β radiation at 77° and 245°K have been observed using a vacuum x-ray diffractometer stage operated at 77°K. The source of the β radiation was 5.56% LiT contained in a LiH crystal which was ground and mixed with NaCl in the samples. The LiH lattice parameter increased 0.0020±0.0007 A in three samples. This result is consistent with density measurements and with the formation of interstitial He3 atoms in the LiH lattice. The NaCl lattice parameter increased 0.0061±0.0009 A even though the average β does for the NaCl was less than 1% of that in the Li(H,T) and tritium β particles with maximum energy cannot produce direct displacements in NaCl. A mechanism is proposed for the production of Cl interstitials and vacancies (Frenkel defects) in NaCl which is similar to one proposed by Klick for the production of F and H centers. This mechanism is related to observations of the production of α centers in alkali halides irradiated at low temperatures.