A balance experiment was conducted on eight subjects for the purpose of determining the laxative efficacy of a regenerated cellulose and its influence on mineral balance. An adequate diet was given for a nine day control period, with preliminary and collection periods. Then the same diet plus 20 Gm. a day of (nitrogen-free, phosphorus-free and calcium-free) cellulose was given for a nine day test period, with preliminary and collection periods. This paper briefly describes my experimental procedure and states my observations regarding the ingestion of a regenerated cellulose. LAXATIVE EFFECT Numerous writers on the subjects of constipation recognize the importance of food residues in promoting elimination. Great differences of opinion exist, however, as to the best source and physical form of the roughage material to be used. Vegetables, fruits, bran and, more recently, a purified cellulose in the form of prepared cereals have all been used to contribute an indigestible