A model for the temporal organization of X- and Y-type receptive fields in the primate retina

A model is proposed for the temporal characteristics of X-and Y-type responses of ganglion cells in the primate retina. The main suggestions of the model are: (I) The X-type temporal response is determined primarily by the delay between center and surround contributions. (II) The Y-type response is generated in the inner plexiform layer by a derivativelike operation on the bipolar cell's input, followed by a rectification in the convergence of these inputs onto the Y-ganglion-cell. (III) The derivative-like operation is obtained by recurrent inhibition in the dyad synaptic structure. The X-and Y-type responses predicted by the model, for a variety of stimuli, were examined and compared with available electrophysiological recordings. Finally, certain predictions derived from the model are discussed.