Lessons learned: Protection of healthcare workers from infectious disease risks

To summarize current concepts on preventing occupationally acquired infections in healthcare workers. Review of the pertinent medical literature. Focus on healthcare workers practicing in acute care hospitals, especially intensive care units. Healthcare workers. Key components of an effective infection control program include the following: 1) pre-exposure immunization with vaccines to prevent mumps, measles, rubella, varicella, pertussis, hepatitis B, and viral influenza; 2) adherence to standard precautions when providing patient care, especially the performance of hand hygiene before and after patient care; 3) rapid evaluation and initiation of appropriate isolation precautions for patients with potentially communicable diseases; 4) proper use of personal protective equipment such as masks, N95 respirators, eye protection, and gowns when caring for patients with potentially communicable diseases; and 5) evaluation of personnel with exposure to communicable diseases for receipt of postexposure prophylaxis. Risks of acquisition of infectious diseases by healthcare workers can be minimized by adherence to current infection control guidelines.