Autolysis of pneumococcus is accompanied by proteolysis, which results in an increase in amino and non-coagulable N; and by lipolysis, during which there is liberation of ether-soluble fatty acids. When extracts containing active intracellular enzymes are added to heat-killed pneumococci, lysis of the cells occurs and there is an increase in non-coagulable and amino N, comparable to changes accompanying spontaneous autolysis. When extracts containing the active intracellular enzymes are added to emulsions of alcohol-soluble lipoids extracted from pneumococci, an increase in ether-soluble fatty acid occurs. Sodium desoxycholate in excess inhibits the action of pneumococcus protease, but not of pneumococcus lipase. When suspensions of pneumococci are cooled to 0[degree]C, a temp. at which the rate of enzyme action is greatly retarded, the organisms go into solution rapidly when sodium desoxycholate is added, but this process is not accompanied by lipolysis or proteolysis. It does not seem probable, therefore, that the "bile" solution of pneumococci is identical with the phenomenon of autolysis as ordinarily understood and measured. The relation of enzyme action to antigenic dissociation is discussed.

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