High Level of Low‐density Lipoprotein Receptors Enhance Hypericin Uptake by U‐87 MG Cells in the Presence of LDL

The dependence of the uptake of hypericin (Hyp) by human glioma U‐87 MG cells on the level of expression of low‐density lipoprotein (LDL) receptors has been studied in this work. A special role of the LDL receptor‐pathway for Hyp delivery to U‐87 MG cells in the presence of LDL was revealed by the substantial increase of Hyp uptake in the situation, when the number of LDL receptors on the cell surface was elevated. Moreover, the colocalization experiments showed the lysosomal localization of Hyp following the uptake and that the concentration of Hyp in these organelles was enhanced in the cells with elevated number of LDL receptors when the incubation medium contained LDL. Both these findings suggest that LDL and LDL receptor‐pathway play an important role in the delivery and accumulation of Hyp into the cells.

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