Intracaval and Atrial Involvement with Nephroblastoma: Review of National Wilms Tumor Study-3

We reviewed the records of 77 children enrolled in the National Wilms Tumor Study-3 who had involvement of the inferior vena cava with tumor thrombus. None of these patients received preoperative chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Ultrasonography and inferior venacavography were more helpful than computerized tomography in the preoperative diagnosis. The median followup for the group was 2.7 years. The 3-year survival rates for patients with intracaval involvement were determined by stage (88, 89 and 62 per cent for stages II, III and IV, respectively). The most important prognostic factor was histological type. The level of vena caval involvement had no effect on survival; all 16 patients with atrial involvement survived 3 or more years. We continue to recommend appropriate surgical excision of the tumor and thrombus when it is technically feasible.