Potential energy surface and vibrational analysis along the stretching vibrations of XeHXe+ ion

An analytical potential energy surface (PES) along the stretching coordinates of a linear XeHXe+ ion is presented. Ab initio calculations within the effective core potential approach are used as input for the PES. The present vibrational analysis indicates extensive mixing of the zeroth‐order harmonic oscillatorvibrational states, and a rather complete collapse of the normal mode picture already near the bottom of the potential well. At higher vibrational energies, and elongated Xe–Xe distances, development of a double minimum in the PES is observed. The simulated absorptionspectrum consists of a strong vibrational progression near 1000–1700 cm−1, and is in qualitative agreement with the previous matrix isolation data. The intensity distribution of the vibrational progression is mostly due to the potential terms rather than nonlinear contributions in the Taylor series expansion of the electric dipole moment. Due to the highly anharmonic potential, and subsequent breakdown of selection rules, the emission spectrum is predicted to be particularly rich in the 850–1500 cm−1spectral region. Several of the vibrational transitions possess transition dipoles exceeding 1 D.