A Valved Hepatic Portoduodenal Intestinal Conduit for Biliary Atresia

Forty-six consecutive patients with biliary atresia were operated on at our institution during the 11-year period between 1978 and 1989. Their ages at operation ranged from 18 to 153 days (mean, 59 days). After dissecting the porta hepatis structures by Kasai operation, a biliointestinal anastomosis was constructed with a valved hepatic portoduodenal intestinal conduit in all cases. The intestinal valve is an intussuscepted muscular valve. Valvular function was examined radiologically. The upper gastrointestinal series demonstrated no reflux of contrast material into the conduit proximal to the valve and liver scintigraphy demonstrated that radioactive isotope drained readily into the duodenum through the valve. Thirty-nine of the forty-six patients (85%) had bile drainage after initial operation. At present 30 patients (65%) are alive without jaundice, 6 (13%) are alive with jaundice, and 10 (22%) are dead. The 5-year jaundice-free survival rate was 64%. Cholangitis occurred in 9 of 39 patients (23%) who had obtained apparent bile drainage: 5 had tractable cholangitis and 4 had refractory cholangitis. Reoperation restored bile flow in 2 of 8 patients who abruptly ceased to have bile drainage without cholangitis. In conclusion, with a valved hepatic portoduodenal intestinal conduit, the incidence of cholangitis was decreased, its medical control became easier, and the survival rate was improved.