Treatment of Chronic Prostatitis and Prostatodynia with Pollen Extract

Chronic abacterial prostatitis and prostatodynia are notoriously difficult both to diagnose and to treat. These patients tend to have received several courses of antibiotics, anti-inflammatory agents or adrenergic blockade and various other therapeutic manoeuvres with little success. The pollen extract, Cernilton, is reported to be effective in the treatment of this condition and we present the results of an open trial with Cernilton in a group of 15 patients with chronic prostatitis and prostatodynia. In 13 patients there was either complete and lasting relief of symptoms or a marked improvement; 2 patients failed to respond. Cernilton was found to be effective in the treatment of chronic prostatitis and prostatodynia. Its precise mode of action is not known, although experimental studies suggest that it has anti-inflammatory and anti-androgenic properties.