1. Ciliary currents concerned with rejection of sediment from the mantle cavity of pectinibranch Prosobranchia consist of A, currents carrying heavier particles to the inhalent opening; B, currents carrying medium particles across the floor of the mantle cavity; C, currents carrying fine particles over and between the gill filaments for later consolidation by the mucus from the hypobranchial gland. Material in currents B and C is rejected from the exhalent opening.2. The feeding currents in ciliary feeding Prosobranchia represent modifications of these rejection currents.3. In Vermetus novae-hollandiae currents B and C only are modified, material being passed to the mouth region, where it is mixed with mucus from the large pedal gland, by way of a food groove.4. In Crepidula fornicata and other Calyptraeidae all currents are modified for feeding and there is an endostyle for mucus secretion.

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