Approaches to determination of left ventricular volume and ejection fraction by real‐time two‐dimensional echocardiography

Left ventricular volumes and ejection fraction were derived from real time two-dimensional echocardio-graphic images (2 DE) and single plane (RAO) left ventricular cineangiograms in a series of 50 patients. Prospective application of a series of 6 alternate algorithms showed that a modified Simpson's rule approach using mitral and papillary muscle cross sections and an apical four chamber view provided the best 2 DE — angiographic correlations: for end-diastolic volume r = 0.82, SEE = 39 ml; for end-systolic volume r = 0.90, SEE = 29 ml and for ejection fraction r = 0.80, SEE = 0.09. The large SEE for volume determination indicates that further refinements are necessary to predict left ventricular volumes adequately; however, ejection fraction can be derived with an accuracy which allows practical clinical decisions in patients with satisfactory 2 DE images.