Über unterschiedliche Gehalte einzelner Gehirnregionen an Gangliosiden

The gangliosides of the human brain are not equally distributed in all parts of the brain. The mononeuraminosyl-N-tetraoseganglioside A2 is a predominant compound of the ganglloside mixture in all areas. The amount of this ganglioslde varies from 40% in the white matter (centrum semiovale) to 20% in the cerebellum. The dineuraminosyl-N-tetraosegangllosldes B1 and C1 are accumulated in the caudate nucleus and in the frontal tip. The putamen and the hippocampus are rich in dineuraminosyl-N-tetraoseganglioslde B1. The cerebellum appears to have a characteristic pattern with an extremely high proportion of the trineuraminosyl-N-tetraosegangliosides C2 and C3 and of the tetraneuraminosyl-N-tetraosegangliosides C4. The thalamus area shows a high level of dineuraminosyl-N-tetraoseganglio-side C1. The white matter (centrum semiovale) contains a complete ganglioside pattern with significantly high amounts of mononeuramin-osyl-N-tetraoseganglioslde A2. Nearly all of the mononeuramtnosyl-monoseganglioside A01 arises from this region.

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