Bioventing soils contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons

Bioventing combines the capabilities of soil venting and enhanced bioremediation to cost-effectively remove light and middle distillate hydrocarbons from vadose zone soils and the groundwater table. Soil venting removes the more volatile fuel components from unsaturated soil and promotes aerobic biodegradation by driving large volumes of air into the subsurface. In theory, air is several thousand times more effective than water in penetrating and aerating fuel-saturated and low permeability soil horizons. Aerobic microbial degradation can mitigate both residual and vapor phase hydrocarbon concentrations. Soil venting is being evaluated at a number of U.S. military sites contaminated with middle distillate fuels to determine its potential to stimulate in situ aerobic biodegradation and to develop techniques to promote in situ vapor phase degradation. In situ respirometric evaluations and field pilot studies at sites with varying soil conditions indicate that bioventing is a cost-effective method to treat soils contaminated with jet fuels and diesel.