Development of NMDA receptor‐channel complex and L‐type calcium channels in mouse hippocampus

In vitro binding autoradiography was used to examine the pattern and intensity of binding of [3H]glutamate to NMDA receptors, [3H]MK 801 to NMDA receptor associated channels in and [3H]PN-200 110 to L-type calcium channels in the hippocampus of mice aged 3–70 days. The distribution of NMDA receptors and NMDA receptor associated channels was similar but not identical at the tested ages. Beginning with postnatal day 8, high binding levels were confined mostly to the hippocampal strata: the oriens and radiatum (CA1 and CA3 with [3H]MK 801 labeling but only CA1 with NMDA displaced [3H]glutamate labeling), the moleculare (higher labeling with [3H]MK 801 than with NMDA displaced [3H]glutamate binding), and the lucidum. The binding values for NMDA receptor-channel complex rose in the examined period (especially within the second and third week), reaching a plateau at the end of the third postnatal week. Sharp growth of binding within the second and third week of life was about 50% greater with [3H]MK 801 than with NMDA displaced [3H]glutamate labeling. L-type calcium channels were found to be most abundant in the strata: the oriens of the CA3 field, the moleculare, and the lucidum. The time course of binding value changes for the calcium channel was similar to the time course found for the NMDA receptor-channel complex.