Myths in the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes

Numerous randomized control trials (RCTs) have now questioned the effectiveness and safety of several therapeutic interventions in type 2 diabetes (T2DM). Those RCTs that address several therapeutic interventions in T2DM were reviewed. Meta-analysis and ad hoc analysis were excluded. The data from those trials involving self-monitoring of blood glucose, treating hyperglycemia, lowering triglycerides, aggressive treatment of hypertension, and antiplatelet therapy with aspirin are presented with emphasis on hard end points. The evidence shows that self-monitoring of blood glucose, lowering blood glucose, reducing triglycerides, aggressive treatment of hypertension, and aspirin therapy are of questionable value in T2DM and may cause harm. Based on RCTs, most therapies in the treatment of T2DM are of questionable value. The medical community should reassess the usefulness of these therapies, which have become commonplace in the management of this condition.