Patch-clamp study of cultured human sweat duct cells: amiloride-blockable Na+ channel

The reabsorptive duct of the eccrine sweat gland has a large transepithelial conductance consisting mainly of a high conductance to Cl and a smaller, amiloride-blockable Na+ conductance (Bijman and Frömter 1986; Quinton 1985). Cells have been cultured from sweat ducts and their properties previously studied in Ussing chambers (Pedersen 1988) and with microelectrodes (Jones et al. 1988). We have now studied the ion channels present in excised, inside-out patches of human cultured sweat duct cells, and find a marked predominance of linear, 16 pS, amiloride-blockable, low selectivity, Na+ channels. Such channels were seen in 54/92 (59%) of the patches, with up to 7 channels recorded in a single patch.Other channel types were seen at much lower densities. The prevalence of an amiloride-blockable Na+ channel in cultured duct cells clearly distinguishes these cells from cultured sweat gland secretory cells, which lack such a channel.