Paranasal Meningioma in the Dog: A Clinicopathologic Study of Ten Cases

Paranasal meningiomas were diagnosed in ten dogs based on gross and light microscopic examinations of tissue specimens, and, in one case, electron microscopic examination. Seven of ten dogs were female (average age was 13 years). Most dogs (7/10) had seizures on examination. Two dogs with meningioma located in the nasal cavity had nasal discharge, and one had epistaxis. Tumors originated in the nasoparanasal region (eight) and frontal region of the cranial cavity (two). The histologic types of meningioma included psammomatous (two), transitional (three), meningotheliomatous (two), fibroblastic (two), and angioblastic (one). Tumors were malignant and extended to the brain in eight cases. These tumors differed from intracranial meningiomas mainly in their more anaplastic nature and aggressive behavior.