The electronic structure of magnesium hydroxide (brucite) using X-ray emission, X-ray photoelectron, and auger spectroscopy

The X-ray emission spectra (Mg-Kβ1,3, Mg-L2,3 M, and O-Kα), X-ray photoelectron spectra, and O-KLL Auger spectra from brucite, Mg[OH]2, are reported. The electronic structure of brucite is discussed using these spectra and a simple Hückel molecular-orbital model. The spectra indicate that the strongest interaction exists between the oxygen and hydrogen of the hydroxide group, but that the Mg-O bond has some covalent character. An attempt to interpret the 2p–2 peak in the oxygen Auger spectrum using the O-Kα, X-ray profile has met with only limited success.