Neonatal Infections Caused by Group B Streptococci

16 infants with neonatal infections caused by serologically verified group B streptococci are reported from two pediatric clinics in Stockholm during a 3-year period. 12 infants had serious infections with septicemia, pneumonia and meningitis. Four infants had minor infections. The outcome was fatal in 5 cases, but only in 2 of these the infection was the major cause of death. There was severe malformation or immaturity in the other 3. Group B streptococci with the same antibiogram and type were cultured from the maternal vagina and the infant, indicating infection of the infant by the mother at delivery. Ampicillin treatment was bacteriologically and clinically effective. The importance of antibiotic treatment in vaginal carriers, especially in obstetric complications, is emphazised.