Rotational and Intrinsic Levels inTm169andLu175

Nuclear levels in Tm169 excited by electron capture of Yb169, and levels in Lu175 excited by both beta decay of Yb175 and electron capture of Hf175 have been studied by using the curved-crystal gamma-ray spectrometer and the ring-focusing beta-ray spectrometer, as well as a semicircular beta-ray spectrometer for low energies. From the precision energies and the multipolarity determinations, the levels in Tm169 have the following energies in kev, and spin and parity assignments: A (ground state) (½+), B8.42(32+), C118.20(52+), D138.95(72+), E316.19(72+), F379.31(72), G472.91(92). Levels A, B, C, and D are members of a rotational band whose characteristic constants are given. Levels E and F are interpreted as particle excitations and level G as a rotational level based on the state F. The Lu175 excited states have the following energies in kev, spins, and parities: A (ground state) (72+), B 113.81 (92+), C 251.46 (112+), D 343.40 (52+), E 396.31 (92), F 432.76 (72+), G 504.7 (12+). A, B, and C form a rotational band for which the characteristic constants are given. Some features of the levels and transition probabilities are discussed and compared with the unified model. A brief survey of second-order rotational energy constants and of intrinsic excitation levels is given.