A quantitative study has been made of the relationship between Moniliformis dubius and Periplaneta americana.1. Eggs removed from the body cavity of the worm hatch at a higher rate after dessication and after a short period of time following removal.2. There is an exponential decline in the additional number of cystacanths recovered as the dose is increased linearly.3. Female cockroaches are more susceptible to high levels of infection than males.4. Direct injection into the haemocoele produces a similar recovery rate to that from oral infection.5. Previous infection does not seem to affect the success of a superimposed infection.6. Rates of development and growth are described.7. The effect of the parasite on the concentration of free amino acids in the haemolymph was found to be negligible.I would like to thank Miss S. Arnold and Mr D. Barnard for technical assistance, Mr E. Walters for help with statistical analysis, Dr D. W. T. Crompton for many helpful discussions and Dr P. J. Whitfield for reading this paper. This work has been carried out during the tenure of a Science Research Council Studentship.