Casimir-Polder interaction at finite temperature

An analytic expression valid at any temperature T is derived for the interaction energy V(R) of two polarizable electric dipoles separated by distance R immersed in the thermal quantum field. The expression is a sum that reduces to the Casimir-Polder vacuum interaction integral for KR1 and to the classical limit for KR1, where K2πkBT/ħc. For atomic dipoles with dominant absorption frequency ω0=k0c, this V(R) and its logarithmic derivative are evaluated numerically and plotted vs R for several values of ω0 and T. Also, simple approximate expressions for V(R) and their ranges of validity are derived. Both the numerical results and the simple approximate expressions scale with KR for RR2=110/k0 and with k0R for RR3=0.74/K. They also exhibit the London limit R6 for R0.023/k0, the Casimir-Polder limit R7 for R2RR3, if this range exists, and the classical limit R6 for R7.4/K. If kBT/ħω0103, then R2R3, and true R7 behavior does not occur. A physical analysis of these results and suggestions for crucial experiments are presented.