Neutron-Scattering Study of TmSb: A Model Crystal-Field-Only Metallic Paramagnet

Inelastic-neutron-scattering studies have been carried out on the paramagnetic metallic compound TmSb. The Tm3+ ground-state multiplet H63 is split by the octahedral crystal field into six levels Γ1, Γ4, Γ5(2), Γ2, Γ5(1), Γ3. Transitions between these levels have been observed and the parameters A4r4=(6.86±0.10) meV, A6r6=(0.44±0.04) meV have been deduced. The fourth-order term is consistent with that expected on the basis of a simple nearest-neighbor point-charge model, whereas the sixth-order term is an order of magnitude too large; this is in marked contrast with previous results in PrSb and other praseodymium pnictides and chalcogenides where the effective-point-charge model is quantitatively correct for both terms. It is found that the actual spectra can be reproduced in detail using ordinary crystal-field theory together with a simple approximation to the instrumental-resolution function. Furthermore, no appreciable exchange broadening of the transitions is observed at low temperatures, thus confirming TmSb as a model crystal-field-only metallic paramagnet.