Position, guidance, and mapping in the developing visual system

Positional identity in the visual system affects the topographic projection of the retina onto its central targets. In this review we discuss gradients and positional information in the retina, when and how they arise, and their functional significance in development. When the axons of retinal ganglion cells leave the eye, they navigate through territory in the central nervous system that is rich in positional information. We review studies that explore the navigational cues that the growth cones of retinal axons use to orient towards their target and organize themselves as they make this journey. Finally, these axons arrive at their central targets and make a precise topographic map of visual space that is crucial for adaptive visual behavior. In the last section of this review, we examine the topographic cues in the tectum, what they are, when, and how they arise, and how retinal axons respond to them. We also touch on the role of neural activity in the refinement of this topography. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.