Tympanic temperatures during hemiface cooling

In adult men the left half of the head was covered with thick heat insulation, and the right hemiface was cooled by spraying a mist of water, and vigorous fanning. The subjects were immersed up to the waist in warm water (42°) to achieve hyperthermia. In control sessions the subjects were rendered slightly hypothermic by preliminary exposure to cold. Under the hypothermic condition during right skin cooling, the right Tty remained low as compared with oesophageal temperature, while the left Tty was raised. Under the hyperthermic condition right hemiface cooling maintained not only the right Tty lower than oesophageal but also, to a lesser extent the left Tty, while the skin on the left side was close to core temperature. This latter result cannot be explained by conductive cooling from the skin to the tympanic membrane and implies a vascular cooling of the left Tty originating from the other side of the head. It is concluded that selective cooling of the brain takes place during hyperthermia. The main mechanism is forced vascular convection, but conductive cooling also occurs.