Polymer-Demixed Nanotopography: Control of Fibroblast Spreading and Proliferation

Cell response to nanometric scale topography is a growing field. Nanometric topography production has traditionally relied on expensive and time-consuming techniques such as electron beam lithography. This presents disadvantages to the cell biologist in regard to material availability. New research is focusing on less expensive methods of nanotopography production for in vitro cell engineering. One such method is the spontaneous demixing of polymers (in this case polystyrene and polybromostyrene) to produce nanometrically high islands. This article observes fibroblast response to nanometric islands (13, 35, and 95 nm in height) produced by polymer demixing. Changes in cell morphology, cytoskeleton, and proliferation are observed by light, fluorescence, and scanning electron microscopy. Morphological features produced by cells in response to the materials were selected, and cell shape parameters were measured with shape-recognition software. The results showed that island height could either increase or reduce cell spreading and proliferation in relation to control, with 13-nm islands producing cells with the greatest area and 95 nm islands producing cells with the lowest areas. Interaction of filopodia with the islands could been seen to increase as island size was increased.