Technical Protocol for Implementing Intrinsic Remediation with Long-Term Monitoring for Natural Attenuation of Fuel Contamination Dissolved in Groundwater. Volume I.

The intent of this document is to present a technical protocol for data collection and analysis in support of intrinsic remediation with long term monitoring (LTM) for restoration of groundwater contaminated with fuel hydrocarbons. Specifically, this protocol is designed to evaluate the fate in groundwater of fuel hydrocarbons that have regulatory standards. Intrinsic remediation is an innovative remedial approach that relies on natural attenuation to remediate contaminants in the subsurface. In many cases, the use of this protocol should allow the proponent of intrinsic remediation to show that natural degradation processes will reduce the concentrations of these contaminants to below regulatory standards before potential receptor exposure pathways are completed. The evaluation should include consideration of existing exposure pathways, as well as exposure pathways arising from potential future use of the groundwater.