Membrane sodium-proton exchange and primary hypertension.

Recent studies have revealed that an enhancement of sodium-proton exchange is a frequently observed ion transport abnormality in essential hypertension. An altered antiport activity not only is measurable in blood cells of hypertensive subjects ex vivo but also is detectable in skeletal muscle in vivo. Several lines of argument suggest that the altered antiport activity is not an epiphenomenon of hypertension: 1) the increased activity is found only in a subgroup of patients with high blood pressure, 2) it is not tightly correlated to the severity or duration of hypertension, and 3) high sodium-proton exchange activity persists over time and is not affected by antihypertensive treatment. Available evidence suggests that enhanced sodium-proton exchange is associated with or a cause for the structural alterations found in resistance vessels of hypertensive individuals (media hypertrophy) and left ventricular hypertrophy. This review summarizes some of the physiological properties and roles of the sodium-proton exchanger and discusses its kinetic properties in essential hypertension. Furthermore, the reasons for the enhanced antiport activity and its potential implications regarding the pathogenesis of hypertension are discussed.