Prevalence of gallbladder disease in hyperlipoproteinemia

An analysis of the occurrence of gallbladder disease (ie, cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, cholecystectomy) in 210 consecutive patients with primary hyperlipoproteinemia showed that the prevalence of gallbladder disease was 8%, 18%, and 42% in males with type IIa, IIb, and IV hyperlipoproteinemia, and 22%, 48%, and 72% in the corresponding groups of females. The 40–59-year-old patients were compared to three necropsy series from Malmö, Sweden. The occurrence of gallbladder disease was within normal limits in type IIa and abnormally high in type IV hyperlipoproteinemia. There were no differences with regard to age, body weight, glucose intolerance, or ischemic heart disease between type IV patients with and without GBD. It is suggested that certain forms of disturbances of lipoprotein metabolism are associated with an increased risk for development of gallbladder disease.