Carcinoma of the Rectum and the Rectosigmoid

The records of 729 cases of carcinoma within the terminal 25 cm of the large bowel were reviewed. Abdominoperineal resection, performed in 328 patients, most of whom had lesions within 6 cm of the anal verge, gave a crude five-year survival rate of 41%. The corrected survival rate, excluding Dukes' class D, was 69%. Anterior resection with end-to-end anastomosis, done in 197 patients for tumors from 6 to 25 cm, showed crude and corrected survival rates of 46% and 76% respectively. Anterior resection with side-to-end anastomosis, done in 204 patients for tumors in the same region, showed survival rates of 52% and 80%. Suture-line leaks occurred in 6% of the end-to-end group and resulted in two deaths from peritonitis. In the side-to-end group, suture-line leaks occurred in 3%, with no associated deaths.

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