Transition Energies and Nuclear Levels in Sm152, Sm154, Gd152, and Gd154 as Derived from the Separated Isotopes of Europium

Specimens of highly enriched Eu151 and Eu153 were irradiated in the Argonne CP-5 reactor and the product isotopes studied in both magnetic and scintillation spectrometers. Eu152 decays by electron emission to Gd152 and by K capture to Sm152. Eu154 emits beta particles leading to Gd154 but no evidence appeared for positron emission or K capture leading to Sm154. The many conversion-electron lines together with coincidence data allowed the evaluation of the gamma transitions and their arrangement in plausible nuclear level schemes. The beta spectra were resolved by the use of the double-focusing spectrometer. Each of the daughter nuclei is even-even in structure. A comparison is made of the observed lower energy transitions and the prediction from the "collective" model for rotational states.

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