Activity ofN16andHe6

An interrupted flow method of handling short lived gases is described. By use of the method, pure N16 and pure He6 are readily produced. Geiger counter measurements on the N16 give a period of 7.3±0.3 sec. Presence of gamma-rays having energy greater than 5 Mev is demonstrated with a cloud chamber and absorption measurements. A lower limit to the end point of the N16 spectrum is derived from absorption curves, and an upper limit fixed by excitation measurements. By taking into account the barrier of N16 against emission of a proton, and excluding the electron self-energy, the maximum electron energy of the decay may be set at 10±0.5 Mev. The electron absorption curves show the beta-spectrum to be complex with a softer component having an end point at approximately 4 Mev corresponding to decay to an excited state of O16 in the region of 6 Mev. The He6 period found is 0.85±0.05 sec., and its end point 3.5±0.6 Mev, in agreement with Bjerge and Bröstrum.

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