42 chicks, 2-4 days of age, were fed a diet completely deficient in K. The chicks began dying after 10 days and most of them were dead within 21 days. 11 died before ecgs. were obtained. Among the chicks upon which ecgs. were made, 19 revealed abnormal records. Some of the chicks showed more than 1 type of abnormality, but 11 showed some form of 2d degree A-V block, and 3 exhibited complete A-V block. 2 chicks showed S-A block, 5 premature ventricular and/or nodal systoles, 4 showed sinus slowing, and 3 sinus arrhythmia. 10 birds, 6 wks. of age, were also fed the K-deficient ration. All of them showed abnormal ecgs. within 18 days and some as early as 10 days. The most frequent abnormalities observed were premature ventricular and nodal systoles. 8 young chicks which showed abnormal ecgs. received diethylaminoethanol intramusc. The abnormalities included 2d degree A-V block, complete A-V block, premature systoles, S-A block, and sinus slowing. In every case, the ecg''s. reverted to normal. Procaine was also administered intramusc. to 5 birds with abnormal ecgs. It was effective in only 1 case. Atropine sulfate was effective in 4 cases out of 6 in reverting the ecgs. to normal. Before injn., the ecg''s. showed partial A-V block, complete A-V block and premature systoles.

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