Stability criteria for large-scale systems

Recent research into large-scale system stability has proceeded via two apparently unrelated approaches. For Lyapunov stability, it is assumed that the system can be broken down into a number of subsystems, and that for each subsystem one can find a Lyapunov function (or something akin to a Lyapunov function). The alternative approach is an input-output approach; stability criteria are derived by assuming that each subsystem has finite gain. The input-output method has also been applied to interconnections of passive and of conic subsystems. This paper attempts to unify many of the previous results, by studying linear interconnections of so-called "dissipative" subsystems. A single matrix condition is given which ensures both input-output stability and Lyapunov stability. The result is then specialized to cover interconnections of some special types of dissipative systems, namely finite gain systems, passive systems, and conic systems.

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