Osseous Development and Tibial Dyschondroplasia in Five Lines of Turkeys

Tibiotarsi and femurs from 5 genetic lines of turkeys from 8-39 wk of age were examined to define the characteristics of normal bones. Bone lengths and body weights are presented. Tibial dyschondroplasia (TD) frequently was detected on gross examination and by high-detail radiography. The incidence of TD peaked at 12 wk of age, when 79% of the toms were affected. This incidence rate dropped until the age of closure of the proximal tibial physis (22-24 wk in toms) but remained 5-15%. Deformities of the tibiotarsi were frequently associated with TD in older toms. The incidence of TD and tibiotarsal deformities was highest in tomes of the heaviest line.