The Use of Aspirin to Prevent Ppregnancy-Induced Hypertension and Lower the Ratio of Thromboxane A2to Prostcyclin in Relatively High Risk Pregnancies

We carried out a prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study to investigate the capacity of aspirin to prevent pppregnancy-induced hypertension and to alter prostaglandin metabolism. A total of 791 pregnant women with various risk factors for preeclamptic toxemia were screened with use of the rollover test (a comparison of blood pressure before and after the woman rolls from her left side to her back) during week 28 or 29 of gestation. Of 69 women with abnormal results (an increase in blood pressure during the rollover test), 65 entered the study and were treated with a daily dose of either aspirin (100 mg; 34 women) or placebo (31 women) during the third trimester of pregnancy.